
Source 4 Electronics is an American owned and operated stocking independent electronic component distributor. With over 70 years experience operating in the open market, we can help your company in a variety of ways. They are as follows:

Off the shelf inventory

We stock thousand's of Integrated circuits, Memory modules, Microprocessors, Passives and Peripherals in our facility, ready to ship to you today.

Component Sourcing

If we don't have the specific part you need in stock, we can discreetly scour the market without causing the market price to inflate. (When the independent "Big Boys" come to the market, the market price tends to rise)

Excess Inventory Liquidation

It is our company's philosophy to stock our shelves with a variety of components to accommodate our OEM customer's requirements. We prefer to descreetly purchase your entire lot of inventory to be able to offer our customers a broader range of components on the shelf. Therefor, we don't have to pre-sell your material. This helps you achieve a faster turn of your inventory while netting you a higher return on your dollar.

E & O Profit sharing program.

Source 4 Electronics has developed a proprietary profit sharing program for your Excess and Obsolete electronic material. We will pick up or receive in your material into our secured warehouse. We will sort it, count it, and stock it at our facility. We will list it and resell it into the open market splitting the revenue with you 50/50. A quarterly report of all activity will be provided and any or all material can be returned to you in the event of current or future requirements. This helps you net a significantly higher return on your material, while eliminating the problems associated with carrying and disposing of excess electronic component inventory.